Tag Archives: creative business

creative business

Been told “creatives don’t do numbers”? Let’s smash that perception.

“You’ve either got a numbers brain or a creative brain.” How many times have you heard that stereotype? It’s one that’s repeated in childhood, in the education system, in life.  Well, we’re here to clear things up once and for all: it’s totally and categorically false. Having worked with so many brilliant, creative business owners […]

How can I help my small business through the cost of living crisis?

Yep, we’re officially in the thick of the cost of living crisis. It’s a nerve-wracking time for many entrepreneurs, with small business owners especially feeling the pinch.  If you’ve had sleepless nights worrying about how you’re going to pay your suppliers or support your staff, we don’t blame you. It’s likely you’ve already looked at […]

creative business

Creatives deserve to feel excited about their finances. Not wary.

Working with the type of brilliant minds we do, we’ve learned, most creative business owners have some trepidation over their finances. There’s a lot they’re unsure about and ultimately it results in them taking a step back from their finances. It means creatives are often undercharging, have a “keep their fingers crossed” attitude to cashflow […]